Nov 3, 2008

Lilly, Claire & Robert

This past weekend I had the pleasure of photographing a wonderful family who is new to the area. Lilly, Claire (who's 4 birthday is this week) & Robert with parents Jim & Amy. They are such a beautiful family. The kids were fun to photograph too. Lilly, whom I was told didn't really enjoy dressing up or getting her pictures taken, was a little model. Claire loves nature... she was going along picking up leaves and sticks the entire time. Robert is just adorable... and very independent. They wanted some photos of Claire for her 4th birthday, so I was able to spend some extra time with her. She wants a lot of things for her birthday but she doesn't think they will all fit in her house.

I took this shot of Lilly after the shoot was over. I am so glad I was able to capture it.

Love the way Mom & Dad are looking at Robert...

Lilly kept on smiling while everything went on around her.

We were playing peek-a-boo with the tree... too cute.

Robert loved it when his Dad threw him up in the air...

Robert enjoyed running after the girls...

I can't take credit for this idea... Dad requested it and I love it.

This is while I was chatting with Claire about what she wanted for her birthday... too much to fit into her house.

These are some of the things Claire picked up to take home... I had to take a shot of it.

It was so great to meet you all. You have a lovely family and I look forward to many more shoots with you. Welcome to Pinehurst!
One more thing... Happy Birthday Claire! I hope you have a wonderful time at your tea party.

- Jodi

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