Grace Church in Southern Pines had their Volunteer Appreciation Dinner last night and for entertainment my husband, the Worship Pastor, performed as Buddy Holly. Last year he was Elvis. I have to say he did a GREAT job!!! He walked around the corner when he got his costume and I about cracked up... he really does look like him. I hope everyone appreciated all the time and practice you put into it. It was awesome.
Not only was the entertainment awesome but the worship center was beautiful and the staff, elders and pastors served the volunteers... that was awesome. Thank you so much for showing your appreciation to all the volunteers. They didn't even drop any trays:)
Just another reason why we love our church !!!!!!
You did a GREAT job Buddy... I mean Kev. Thanks to everyone who volunteers at Grace... without you the church wouldn't run as smooth as it does. What a GREAT church family we have. We are BLESSED!!!!! Merry Christmas Everyone!!